This afternoon I caught some restorative rays on my back porch.
In fact I think all of Seattle floated toward windows and decks at the same moment for a winter dose of D. When the sun peaks through our gray sky, Seattleites put their silverware down or go the restroom later. They make a beeline for the sun. Getting enough glow is key to our survival.
Sitting on an east-facing step, I felt my skin cells bloom, expanding their surfaces to collect sunshine, each one wide as butterfly wings. As my body soaked in heart-warming heat, I wondered, what does my mind need to feel warm and expansive? What is my mind’s solar power?
My essential mineral is the work that I do: Communications.
Communications baby.
Why? Because you like to talk and write?
No. It’s much deeper than that.
So why then?
Communications has a bunch of vital ingredients:
- The challenge of getting people’s attention
- The knife-sharp art of crafting on-the-money messages
- The work of distilling information to serve my purpose
- The delight in creating captivating visuals
- The satisfaction of expression
- Visualizing impact
- Connection
- Resonance
- Appreciation
- Motivation
Motivation looks like a smile.
Motivation feels like a lightning bolt.
Motivation will move you. To walk out. To step in. To get glowing. Right. Now.
Motivational Communications:
- are visually beautiful.
- are backed by your genuine enthusiasm.
- make an emotional connection.
- reinforce a sense of purpose.
- inspire people to act.