What can you say
When you have to say something but don’t know how to say it
Sometimes you have to address the issue. It’s time for you to say something. In front of everyone. It’s about the failed product launch, not getting the contract, changes in company culture.
Tap into what’s true
You don’t need to tell everyone the whole story, but what you share needs to be 100% truthful.
Take responsibility
Be a good leader: acknowledge your part. Respect your tribe. Lead among. Leave judgement at home. Trust that you’re doing the right thing. People will be impressed, feel some fresh compassion. Taking responsibility takes guts.
Take it easy
Leaders are employees. Human like everyone else. Lovable and fallible. They make mistakes, they miss the target, they fall short. But unlike everyone else, healthy leaders know they can trust the truth. If you’re willing to face it, you have nothing to fear.
Commit to the next best step
Publicly prioritize action. Educate employees about the issue. Take steps toward a solution and communicate outcomes. Leaders are learners. They have humility. That’s what makes them and keeps them teachable and wise. Leaders lead by example. Great leaders have exceptional, high performing teams.
Invite feedback
You don’t have to give out your cell or anything, but leaders should have mechanisms in place for soliciting, collecting, reading, and responding to employee feedback.