Implicit Persuasion

Effective marketing communications is more than the sum of its parts. Sure, a polished newsletter, resource-rich blog post, or clear infographic can boost web traffic. Increase click through rates. Get more eyes on you for a minute. But, a successful marketing...

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What can you say

When you have to say something but don't know how to say it Sometimes you have to address the issue. It's time for you to say something. In front of everyone. It's about the failed product launch, not getting the contract,...

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Service centered

Service centered communications makes complex things easy peasy. In other words, materials that put customers on a pedestal. As the voice of a brand, I'm not there to brag. I'm there to serve. To create content that's enjoyable but not...

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This afternoon I caught some restorative rays on my back porch. In fact I think all of Seattle floated toward windows and decks at the same moment for a winter dose of D. When the sun peaks through our...

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Clarity is paramount for professional communicators. Especially in today's digital world where folks bounce between apps and email all day long. You get one shot (about three seconds) to land your message before you're either abandoned or saved for...

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In college I studied Comparative Literature and French. Neither is known for brevity. Long exposition, ripe with description, historical context, linguistic flourishes, digressions, and soliloquies were considered elements of the highest artform by my professors and their protégés. I was...

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Originally published on the ZUM Communications blog by Gretchen Musgrove For many people, the hardest part of creating a speech or presentation is knowing how to begin. They need help finding the all-important hook. The hook of a story is...

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You know what's satisfying? Getting things done. Especially at work. That's why my favorite platforms and apps 'congratulate' me when I complete a task (words of affirmation are my love language). Take Asana, for instance - the work management...

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Originally published on the ZUM Communications blog by Gretchen Musgrove Reach the right people. When you launch a marketing campaign, does the concept of target audience seem obvious to you? As in, of course I know who my customers are! Techies. Moms....

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