Implicit Persuasion

Implicit Persuasion

Effective marketing communications is more than the sum of its parts.

Sure, a polished newsletter, resource-rich blog post, or clear infographic can boost web traffic. Increase click through rates. Get more eyes on you for a minute.

But, a successful marketing communications strategy is not built by ordering collateral à la carte. The customer experience should be premeditated and woven throughout all the encounters people have with your brand. It’s not always about the hard sell. But it is always about a great customer experience and generating a positive association. It’s implicit persuasion.

A marketing communications representative should have a seat at the table for every discussion that involves an instance when a customer or potential customer interfaces with your product. This includes product design, customer flow planning, even customer service protocol.

It’s where you show up

Do you present your product in places (real or virtual) where your help is needed?

It’s when you show up

Are you showing up at the appropriate times? Are your customers currently grappling with a problem you solve?

It’s why you show up

Are you there to a) brag, or b) help? Hint: your answer should be: help.

It’s how you show up

Does your tone empathize with their situation? Do they need clarification? Encouragement? Make them feel understood.

It’s also how you follow up

The relationship with your customer isn’t over after you get what you want. You want a second date. Follow up, express gratitude for their business, and demonstrate how they can succeed with your product. Show them what else you can do, too.

Here’s your guide to infusing your customer experience with implicit persuasion

Guide to implicit persuasion


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