Service centered
Service centered communications makes complex things easy peasy.
In other words, materials that put customers on a pedestal. As the voice of a brand, I’m not there to brag. I’m there to serve. To create content that’s enjoyable but not distracting. Filling yet snackable. Answers questions before they have to ask. Gets to the point and illuminates next steps – steps that then progress with the ease of falling dominoes. At the end of the experience I want the customer to feel like they accomplished a lot without lifting a finger.
Ideal reactions:
- I totally get it now.
- That was so easy.
- I’m gonna do it.
- I can’t wait!
That’s music to my marketing ears. When I achieve a response like that I consider mission accomplished. So how’s it done? Here’s what I do: keep one thing in mind as I organize, write, and design: Let’s make this a no-brainer.
- Have one business goal (e.g. buy now).
- Make it as easy as possible for your customer to achieve the goal (buy now).
- That’s it. It’s a no-brainer.
Wait, you might say, How do you make it easy for a customer?
Depends on what the goal is. If you want a customer to buy now, for instance, you’d need to put yourself in their shoes and wonder what you would need to know, understand, or believe in order to buy now. Answer those questions in your service centered communications and you’ll have a brilliant no-brainer!
Here’s your cheat sheet for creating service centered content
Examples of service centered communications from my portfolio