Microsoft | Azure

Microsoft | Azure
Microsoft | Azure
Microsoft | Azure
Microsoft | Azure
Microsoft | Azure

Project Description

March 22, 2017
Keynote speech and slide presentation for Aziz Benmalek, VP, World Wide Hosting & Service (Azure) Providers, Microsoft. Event: Annual Cloud Hosting Summit. Audience: 400+ C-Level partners from over 40 countries. Message: Together we have the power to transform businesses from ordinary to extraordinary. Empower. Together. Now. *Complete presentation available upon request.


Messaging frameworkA messaging framework is a blueprint for your communications project, be it a website, newsletter, presentation, or the like. It includes: a well defined audience, target outcomes, key messages, and supporting messages.
Art direction
Art direction is the process of guiding great design. Project purpose, design guidelines, concepts, and concrete inspiration help designers create images that are on target.
Script writing Script writing is the art of creating a verbal address. It involves understanding the purpose of the occasion, the presenter's relationship to the occasion, the brand he or she represents, and his or her personality and style.
Speech coachingSpeech coaching helps a presenter communicate with authority, authenticity, clarity and conviction. Elements such as posture, pacing, volume, and eye contact contribute to a moving and memorable speech.
CollaborationJun Young, principal, ZUM Communications, project partner and employer at time of service
Zoe Vong, designer