Microsoft | Office 365

Microsoft | Office 365

Project Description

September 13, 2016
Product pitch deck for Office 365: The Universal Toolkit. Office 365 makes it easier for everyone in an organization to achieve their goals. Message: Bring people, information, and insight together in one seamless experience.


Messaging frameworkA messaging framework is a blueprint for your communications project, be it a website, newsletter, presentation, or the like. It includes: a well defined audience, target outcomes, key messages, and supporting messages.
Writing in this case applies to all content.
Art direction
Art direction is the process of guiding great design. Project purpose, design guidelines, concepts, and concrete inspiration help designers create images that are on target.
CollaborationJun Young, principal, ZUM Communications, project partner and employer at time of service
Angela Powell, designer
Office 365 Sales Manager(s), Microsoft