Amazon | Catalyst

Amazon | Catalyst

Project Description

November 14, 2018
Integrated marketing campaign for Amazon Catalyst, an award program at the University of Washington for bold ideas that can change the world for better. Audience includes University faculty, students, and staff. Campaign involved creating partnerships with UW Computer Science & Engineering, Foster School of Business, and UW Center for Statistics & Social Sciences. Message: Ready to launch your big idea? Apply for an Amazon Catalyst award.


Messaging framework

A messaging framework is a blueprint for your communications project, be it a website, newsletter, presentation, or the like. It includes: a well defined audience, target outcomes, key messages, and supporting messages.
Writing Writing in this case applies to all of the content.
Editing Editing requires careful interpretation of text in order to clarify its meaning. Understanding the intended audience is critical, as well as an eye for re-organizing information for easy reading.
Graphic designI use Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft PowerPoint to design everything from digital ads to posters to e-newsletters.
CollaborationH.B. Siegel, Prime Minister of Ideas, Department of Ideas, Amazon
Mark Oehlert, Content & Partnerships, Twitch Prime, Amazon
UW Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Foster School of Business, and UW Center for Statistics & Social Sciences
Donna O'Neill, Director of Marketing & Communications, UW CoMotion